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- (2011)
- Starring: Brad Pitt, Sean Penn
- Genre: Drama
- Studio: Criterion Collection
- Release Date: 8/28/2018
- Features: Blu-ray
- Four decades into an already legendary career, Terrence Malick realized his most rapturous vision to date, tracing a story of childhood, wonder, and grief to the outer limits of time and space.... more
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- (1991)
- Starring: Susan Sarandon, Geena Davis
- Genre: Action / Adventure
- Studio: Criterion Collection
- Release Date: 5/30/2023
- Features: 4K Mastering, With Blu-ray
- Controversial "female road movie" stars Geena Davis as put-upon housewife Thelma Dickinson and Susan Sarandon as bored waitress Louise Sawyer, who decide to take a trip to a friend's cabin for some... more