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- (1995)
- Starring: Robin Williams, Jonathan Hyde
- Genre: Family, Fantasy
- Studio: Sony Pictures
- Release Date: 10/3/2017
- Features: Special Edition, Widescreen, Dolby
- Jumanji - DVD - When young Alan Parrish discovers a mysterious board game, he doesn't realize it's unimaginable powers, until he is magically transported before the eyes of his friend, Sarah, into... more
- (1998)
- Starring: John Goodman, Jim Broadbent
- Genre: Family
- Studio: Universal Studios
- Release Date: 11/5/2002
- Features: DVD
- One young boy, Pete makes friends with an entire family of borrowers living in his house. Their friendship, not to mention the borrowers existence, is soon threatened when the wicked banker Ocious P.... more