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- (1968)
- Starring: Fred Astaire, Don Francks
- Genre: Musical, Family
- Studio: Warner Archives
- Release Date: 3/7/2017
- Features: Manufactured on Demand, Remastered, Amaray Case, Digital Theater System
- He wears a ratty old cardigan instead of tails, a battered felt hat in place of a topper - but one glimpse of those agile feet and you know he's Fred Astaire. The great entertainer sang and danced... more
- (1970)
- Starring: Fred Astaire, Mickey Rooney
- Genre: Family, Holiday-Christmas (Animated)
- Studio: Universal Studios
- Release Date: 10/16/2018
- Features: Deluxe Edition
- Voices of Fred Astaire, Mickey Rooney. Another stop-motion special sure to inspire your holiday spirit! A mail carrier delivers the life story of Kris Kringle and a sleigh's worth of happy tunes... more