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- (1974)
- Starring: Brenda Vaccaro, Paul Frees
- Genre: Family, Holiday-Christmas (Animated)
- Studio: Warner Home Video
- Release Date: 10/2/2007
- Features: Deluxe Edition, Remastered, Subtitled, Standard Screen
- Voices of Mickey Rooney, Shirley Booth, Dick Shawn. When Kris Kringle feels unwanted and decides to sit the holidays out, it's up to Mrs. Claus and two elves to convince him that the world's children... more
- (1979)
- Starring: Mickey Rooney, Jackie Vernon
- Genre: Family, Holiday-Christmas (Animated)
- Studio: Warner Home Video
- Release Date: 10/5/2004
- Features: Subtitled, Standard Screen
- Long, long ago, the North Pole was ruled by the good fairy Lady Boreal and her enemy was the wicked wizard Winterbolt. To protect Santa Claus from Winterbolt's foggy fury, Lady Boreal grants Rudolph... more