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- (1995)
- Starring: Amy Jo Johnson
- Genre: TV Action & Adventure, Family-Live Action
- Studio: Shout Factory
- Release Date: 8/13/2019
- Features: Limited Edition, Steelbook, Boxed Set, Full Frame
- SYNOPSIS:As the battle rages on, the Power Rangers are forced to go on a quest to seek out the fabled master ninja, Ninjor. Ninjor teaches them the art of Ninja, giving them new powers and abilities,... more
- (1995)
- Starring: Amy Jo Johnson
- Genre: Animation - Super Hero, Children's Video
- Studio: Shout Factory
- Release Date: 5/28/2013
- Features: DVD
- Tired of Rita Repulsa's failure to dominate the Earth, her boss, Lord Zedd, steps in to take matters into his own hands. Determined to rid the universe of the Power Rangers once and for all, Zedd has... more