Items 0 - 0 of 2
- (2012)
- Starring: Chus Lampreave, Götz Otto
- Genre: Drama-Romantic Drama, Foreign-French
- Studio: Cohen Media Group
- Release Date: 2/11/2014
- Features: Digital Theater System, Subtitled
- Jean Rochefort, Aida Folch, Claudia Cardinale. A beautiful young woman comes to the door of an elderly French couple as a refugee from war. The old man is a sculptor, and the young woman agrees to... more
- (1981)
- Starring: Marcello Mastroianni, Burt Lancaster
- Genre: Drama, Foreign-Italian
- Studio: Cohen Media Group
- Release Date: 1/13/2015
- Features: Full Frame, Amaray Case, Digital Theater System
- Burt Lancaster, Claudia Cardinale, Marcello Mastroianni. When the Allied forces liberated Naples in 1943, the plight of women really didn't improve much. Most were forced to abandon their dignity and... more