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- (1919)
- Starring: Ossi Oswalda, Hermann Thimig
- Genre: Comedy Video, Silent Films
- Studio: Kino Classics
- Release Date: 8/15/2023
- Features: Subtitled, Silent Movie
- Looking to dupe the uncle who's pressuring him into marriage, a young man (Hermann Thimig) engages a toymaker (Victor Janson) to build a life-size mechanical woman to "wed." Matters get worse when... more
- (1919)
- Starring: Tom Tykwer, Hermann Thimig
- Genre: Comedy-Classic, Silent Films
- Studio: Kino Lorber
- Release Date: 12/4/2007
- Features: Colorized, Full Frame
- Ernst Lubitsch began his four-decade filmmaking career in Berlin when he left high school at the age of 16. After being invited to America by Hollywood legend Mary Pickford, it was clear early on... more