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- (1994)
- Starring: Johnny Depp, Hilary Adahms
- Genre: Comedy Video, Biography
- Studio: Touchstone
- Release Date: 9/18/2012
- Features: Subtitled, Widescreen
- Johnny Depp, Sarah Jessica Parker, Martin Landau. Tim Burton directed this behind-the-scenes look at the bizarre real life of Ed Wood, considered to be the worst filmmaker of all time. 1994/b&w/127... more
- (1966)
- Starring: Ferlin Husky, Don Bowman
- Genre: Musical, Comedy Video
- Studio: Vci Entertainment
- Release Date: 12/10/2024
- Features: Blu-ray
- Country bumpkin Woody Weatherby (Ferlin Husky) headed for Vegas when his late uncle left him a casino, only to find it dilapidated and deep in hock. Can he turn it into a moneymaker with the help of... more