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- Starring: Buster Keaton, Ernest Torrence
- Genre: Comedy Video, Silent Films
- Studio: Kino Classics
- Release Date: 2/14/2017
- Features: Blu-ray
- Buster Keaton. In Steamboat Bill, Jr. (1928/70 min), a gruff riverboat captain is perpetually disappointed by his effete son, who struggles to fit in on the boat and pull his own weight. In College... more
- (1924)
- Starring: Ernest Torrence, Mary Astor
- Genre: Comedy Video, Silent Films
- Studio: Alpha Video
- Release Date: 1/9/2024
- Features: Manufactured on Demand, Silent Movie
- A pacifist remakes himself as a masked gunslinger in this rousing adventure comedy directed by top silent era filmmaker James Cruze.
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- (1928)
- Starring: Buster Keaton, Carl Harbaugh
- Genre: Comedy Video, Silent Films
- Studio: Kino Classics
- Release Date: 2/14/2017
- Features: DVD
- Buster Keaton. In Steamboat Bill, Jr. (1928/70 min), a gruff riverboat captain is perpetually disappointed by his effete son, who struggles to fit in on the boat and pull his own weight. In College... more