Items 0 - 0 of 3
- (2017)
- Starring: Ice Cube, Charlie Day
- Genre: Comedy-Contemporary
- Studio: New Line Home Video
- Release Date: 5/30/2017
- Features: With DVD, Ultraviolet Digital Copy, Subtitled, Dubbed
- Ice Cube and Charlie Day star as high school teachers prepared to solve their differences the hard way. On the last day of the year, mild-mannered high school English teacher Andy Campbell (Day) is... more
- (2014)
- Starring: Ice Cube, Marc Evan Jackson
- Genre: Comedy Video, Action / Adventure
- Studio: Sony Pictures
- Release Date: 11/18/2014
- Features: Ultraviolet Digital Copy, Subtitled, Dubbed, Widescreen
- Jonah Hill, Channing Tatum. The dynamic duo of Schmidt and Jenko are back, this time going undercover at a local college. Will the investigation proceed as planned, or will the ideal campus life lead... more
- (2016)
- Starring: Ice Cube, Cedric the Entertainer
- Genre: Comedy-Contemporary
- Studio: New Line Home Video
- Release Date: 7/26/2016
- Features: Ultraviolet Digital Copy, Subtitled, Digital Theater System, Dolby
- It's been more than 10 years since our last appointment at Calvin's Barbershop. Calvin (Ice Cube) and his longtime crew, including Eddie (Cedric the Entertainer), are still there, but the shop has... more