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- (2015)
- Starring: Alan Arkin, John Goodman
- Genre: Comedy Video, Holiday-Christmas (Live Action
- Studio: Lions Gate
- Release Date: 2/9/2016
- Features: DVD
- Love The Coopers follows the Cooper clan as four generations of extended family come together for their annual Christmas Eve celebration. As the evening unfolds, a series of unexpected visitors and... more
- (2013)
- Starring: JoAnna Garcia, Aasif Mandvi
- Genre: Comedy Video
- Studio: Disney
- Release Date: 10/22/2013
- Features: Digital Theater System, Subtitled, Dubbed
- Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson team up to crash the digital world in this laugh-out-loud buddy comedy you've been searching for! Trying to reboot their obsolete careers, old-school salesmen Billy... more
- (2013)
- Starring: Ed Helms, Justin Bartha
- Genre: Comedy-Contemporary
- Studio: Warner Home Video
- Release Date: 10/14/2014
- Features: 2 Pack, Eco Amaray Case
- It's been two years. Phil, Stu and Doug are happily living uneventful lives at home. The only member of the Wolfpack who's not content is Alan. Still lacking a sense of purpose, the group's black... more