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- Starring: John Cho, Kal Penn
- Genre: Comedy-Contemporary
- Studio: Warner Home Video
- Release Date: 3/13/2012
- Features: Blu-ray
- Two guys on a quest to satisfy their cravings for burgers find themselves on a hilarious all-night adventure as they run into one screwy obstacle after another.
- (2002)
- Starring: Teck Holmes, William Munroe
- Genre: Comedy-Contemporary
- Studio: Lions Gate
- Release Date: 5/1/2018
- Features: Blu-ray
- Kooky campus comedy starring Ryan Reynolds as Van Wilder, the "BMOC" for seven years running, who has no aspirations of graduating because he keeps getting the babes, has clout and has amassed lots... more
- Starring: John Cho, Kal Penn
- Genre: Comedy-Contemporary
- Studio: New Line Home Video
- Release Date: 10/6/2015
- Features: Eco Amaray Case
- When Kumar accidentally burns down Harold's father-in-law's prized tree on Christmas Eve, the two embark on another ill-advised journey to New York City to replace it.