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- Starring: Buster Keaton, Howard Truesdale
- Genre: Comedy Video, Silent Films
- Studio: Cohen Media Group
- Release Date: 12/8/2020
- Features: Silent Movie
- One of Hollywood's original legends, Buster Keaton, builds his star status in two films about young men who use their daring and ingenuity to try to beat the odds. Includes Go West (1925/69 min) and... more
- (1925)
- Starring: Howard Truesdell, Howard Truesdale
- Genre: Comedy Video, Silent Films
- Studio: Alpha Video
- Release Date: 9/17/2024
- Features: Manufactured on Demand, Silent Movie
- A washout in the big city, Buster Keaton heads west to find a job - but only ends up befriending the cows in the Great Stone Face's classic send-up of corny cowboy pictures.