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- (1984)
- Starring: R.J. Parnell, Rob Reiner
- Genre: Comedy Video
- Studio: MGM (Video & DVD)
- Release Date: 7/14/2009
- Features: Bonus DVD, Widescreen, Subtitled, Dubbed
- Rob Reiner, Harry Shearer, Christopher Guest, Michael McKean. Reiner takes you on tour with Britain's loudest heavy-metal band in this hilarious behind-the-scenes mock documentary. 1984/color/89... more
- (2003)
- Starring: Christopher Guest, Eugene Levy
- Genre: Comedy-Contemporary
- Studio: Warner Archives
- Release Date: 2/9/2016
- Features: Manufactured on Demand, Dolby
- Christopher Guest, Eugene Levy, Catherine O'Hara. Following the death of their legendary manager, three fictional '60s folk bands reunite to give one unforgettable benefit concert. A laugh-out-loud... more
- (1992)
- Starring: Chevy Chase, Daryl Hannah
- Genre: Comedy-Contemporary
- Studio: Warner Archives
- Release Date: 11/18/2014
- Features: Manufactured on Demand, Mono Sound
- Box office superstar Chevy Chase (National Lampoon's Vacation series, Funny Farm) stars in this hilarious fantasy about a man who is accidentally turned invisible and then drafted by the CIA. Clever... more