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- (1943)
- Starring: Hillary Brooke, Iris Adrian
- Genre: Comedy Video
- Studio: Classicflix
- Release Date: 6/15/2021
- Features: DVD
- SYNOPSIS::For the first time on home video comes a delightful romantic comedy about a fake medium who uses her powers to land the man of her dreams.After placing second in a beauty contest she had... more
- Starring: Peter Lorre, Bing Crosby
- Genre: Comedy Video
- Studio: Shout Factory
- Release Date: 12/7/2010
- Features: Full Frame
- Featuring the beloved American icon, you get big laughs with this great collection of five Bob Hope comedies. Includes Road to Rio (Bing Crosby, Dorothy Lamour. 1947/100 min.), Road to Bali (1952/91... more
- (1945)
- Starring: Bing Crosby, Bob Hope
- Genre: Comedy Video, Musical
- Studio: KL Studio Classics
- Release Date: 3/26/2019
- Features: Blu-ray
- Bob Hope, Bing Crosby, Dorothy Lamour. It's off to the chilly Alaskan Yukon as Bob and Bing race to stake their claims to a Klondike gold mine. Directed by Hal Walker. 1946/b&w/90 min/NR/fullscreen.