Items 0 - 0 of 8
- (1974)
- Starring: Teri Garr, Gene Wilder
- Genre: Comedy Video, Horror
- Studio: 20th Century Fox
- Release Date: 9/9/2014
- Features: Anniversary Edition, Digital Theater System, Subtitled
- Gene Wilder, Peter Boyle, Teri Garr, Marty Feldman, Gene Hackman. A zany parody of Frankenstein movies, with the adventures of mad Dr. Frankenstein and his sidekick Igor featuring an excellent score... more
- (1988)
- Starring: Arnold Schwarzenegger, James Belushi
- Genre: Action / Adventure, Comedy Video
- Studio: Lions Gate
- Release Date: 11/10/2009
- Features: Widescreen, Subtitled, Dubbed, Dolby
- Arnold Schwarzenegger, James Belushi. A highly disciplined Russian detective and a fearless but undisciplined Chicago cop team up. Directed by Walter Hill. 1988/color/106 min/R/widescreen.
- (1983)
- Starring: Graham Chapman, Peter Boyle
- Genre: Comedy Video, Action / Adventure
- Studio: Olive
- Release Date: 5/26/2015
- Features: Blu-ray
- Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Eric Idle, Peter Boyle. Monty Python members take a swing, or a swash at high seas comedy in this hilarious send-up of the pirate genre. It's the tale of a clueless yet... more
- (1989)
- Starring: Michael Keaton, Christopher Lloyd
- Genre: Comedy Video
- Studio: Universal Studios
- Release Date: 8/16/2016
- Features: Blu-ray
- Michael Keaton, Christopher Lloyd, Peter Boyle. A hilarious tale about four mental patients and their therapist who, while on an outing to a baseball game, end up separated—and the cerebrally... more
- (1980)
- Starring: Bill Murray, Peter Boyle
- Genre: Comedy Video, Biography
- Studio: Shout Factory
- Release Date: 6/6/2017
- Features: Collector's Edition, Widescreen
- Bill Murray, Peter Boyle, Bruno Kirby. "Gonzo" journalist Hunter S. Thompson who seems unable to keep himself on the straight and narrow path. After each success, Thompson regresses back to drugs... more
- (1978)
- Starring: Peter Falk, Peter Boyle
- Genre: Comedy Video, Action / Adventure
- Studio: KL Studio Classics
- Release Date: 6/18/2019
- Features: Blu-ray
- The robbery nobody thought could happen by the guys nobody thought could pull it off! The year is 1950, the take is $2.7 million, and the movie is The Brink's Job, a high-spirited comedy caper which... more
- (1980)
- Starring: Marty Feldman, Peter Boyle
- Genre: Comedy Video
- Studio: KL Studio Classics
- Release Date: 2/9/2021
- Features: Blu-ray
- When the Trappist monastery where he's spent his life gets threatened with shutdown, Brother Ambrose (Marty Feldman, who directed and co-wrote) ventures into the outside world to raise the needed... more
- (1972)
- Starring: Jane Fonda, Donald Sutherland
- Genre: Documentary, Comedy Video
- Studio: Kino Classics
- Release Date: 5/4/2021
- Features: Blu-ray
- Jane Fonda, Donald Sutherland, Paul Mooney, Peter Boyle. Follow along on Jane Fonda and Donald Sutherland's controversial political road show from the early '70s, where they traveled across the US... more