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- (2006)
- Starring: Tommy Chong, David Weidoff
- Genre: Comedy Video
- Studio: Full Moon Pictures
- Release Date: 1/18/2022
- Features: Remastered
- After one too many tokes, a trio of potheads gets trapped inside a mystical and malevolent bong that gets stronger and stronger with each hit taken from it. Stuck in the bong's surreal, trippy realm,... more
- (2001)
- Genre: Comedy Video
- Studio: Lightyear Video
- Release Date: 9/7/2021
- Features: DVD
- At the ripe age of 19, Ed Green (Pras) is a dismal failure. He has resigned himself to smoking and selling Marijuana for the psychotic local drug dealer Sadico, until Sadico's sister pins her... more
- (2003)
- Genre: Horror, Comedy Video
- Studio: Severin
- Release Date: 6/28/2022
- Features: Blu-ray
- With a degree but no job or home, Herman Schumacher (Pat Casey) thought his luck was finally turning when he was taken in by oddball but surprisingly accommodating new roomies-who lined him up a job... more