Items 0 - 0 of 6
- (1998)
- Starring: Sandra Bullock, Nicole Kidman
- Genre: Comedy Video, Fantasy
- Studio: Warner Home Video
- Release Date: 11/3/2009
- Features: Widescreen, Subtitled, Dubbed, Dolby
- Sandra Bullock, Nicole Kidman, Aidan Quinn. When two beautiful witches go looking for love, the unwitting objects of their affection can't help but be spellbound. Directed by Griffin Dunne.... more
- (1987)
- Starring: Jack Nicholson, Cher & Christina Aguilera
- Genre: Comedy Video, Fantasy
- Studio: Warner Home Video
- Release Date: 8/1/2006
- Features: Full Frame, Widescreen, Subtitled, Dubbed
- Jack Nicholson, Cher, Susan Sarandon. Three New England girlfriends spend their nights sipping martinis and discussing the attributes of Mr. Right. When a wild-eyed man arrives in town who seems to... more
- (1937)
- Starring: Cary Grant, Constance Bennett
- Genre: Comedy Video, Fantasy
- Studio: Vci Video
- Release Date: 10/31/2017
- Features: DVD
- Cary Grant, Constance Bennett, Roland Young. A quiet banker with a knack for talking to ghosts solves crimes, goes on adventures and—along the way—learns how to have a bit of fun amongst the living... more
- (1942)
- Starring: Fredric March, Veronica Lake
- Genre: Comedy Video, Fantasy
- Studio: Criterion Collection
- Release Date: 10/8/2013
- Features: DVD
- Veronica Lake, Fredric March, Susan Hayward. A witch burned at the stake during the Salem witch trials returns from the dead to haunt the descendants of the Puritans who killed her. However, her... more
- (1993)
- Starring: Robert Downey, Jr., Robert Downey Jr.
- Genre: Comedy Video, Fantasy
- Studio: Universal
- Release Date: 2/5/2019
- Features: Manufactured on Demand
- Academy Award nominee Robert Downey, Jr. Gives a stellar performance in this irresistible blend of roaringly funny and deeply touching episodes in this magical romantic comedy. An incredible cast... more
- (1977)
- Starring: Terry Gilliam, Michael Palin
- Genre: Comedy-Contemporary, Fantasy
- Studio: Sony Pictures Home
- Release Date: 12/3/2013
- Features: Manufactured on Demand
- It is the middle of the Dark Ages, ages darker than anyone had ever expected. A horrendous monster casts a dreadful pall of fear over a once-happy land. The first solo directorial feature of... more