Items 0 - 0 of 7
- (2022)
- Starring: Lloyd Kaufman
- Genre: Horror, Comedy Video
- Studio: Troma
- Release Date: 3/11/2025
- Features: Blu-ray
- A vegan-goth high school student falls in love with her new English teacher and develops a problematic taste for human flesh.
- (1984)
- Genre: Horror, Comedy Video
- Studio: Troma
- Release Date: 10/24/2023
- Features: With Blu-ray, 4K Mastering, Special Edition
- HE WAS 98 POUNDS OF SOLID NERD UNTIL HE BECAME... THE TOXIC AVENGER, THE FIRST SUPERHUMAN-HERO FROM NEW JERSEY! Tromaville, New Jersey has a monstrous new hero! The Toxic Avenger is born when meek... more
- (1998)
- Starring: Alex Erkiletian, Monica Baber
- Genre: Horror, Comedy Video
- Studio: Troma
- Release Date: 9/1/1998
- Features: DVD
- One hundred years after Bram Stoker's Dracula, comes a new kind of Vampire story. Anthony (Yan Birch) is a modern bloodsucker who uses his popular rock band as a front to lure beautiful, young... more
- (2013)
- Genre: Horror, Comedy-Contemporary
- Studio: Troma
- Release Date: 11/14/2017
- Features: Blu-ray
- In a twisted world, Marianne gives birth to a rather unusual child. While the child is born dead, life finds it's way through the afterbirth. Marianne decides to raise her placenta as a normal human... more
- (2015)
- Genre: Horror, Comedy-Contemporary
- Studio: Troma
- Release Date: 1/9/2018
- Features: Widescreen
- Hectic Knife is the story of Hectic Knife, a new kind of super hero! Follow him on his bloody adventure through the scum filled streets as he slays bad guys, girlfriends and bagels!? Hectic Knife is... more
- (2013)
- Genre: Horror, Comedy-Contemporary
- Studio: Troma
- Release Date: 1/9/2018
- Features: Widescreen
- A sequel to the underground hit Junkbucket, Junk Bonds: The Return of Junkbucket lovingly satirizes the Texas Chainsaw Massacre series, as we witness the terror and butchery wreaked upon Lake... more
- Genre: Horror, Comedy-Contemporary
- Studio: Troma
- Release Date: 3/29/2019
- Features: With DVD, 2 Pack
- Times are hard for Toxie. What's a hideously deformed creature of superhuman size and strength to do after he's eliminated crime from his hometown? Desperate to raise money for the experimental... more