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- Genre: Comedy Video, War Drama
- Studio: Universal Studios
- Release Date: 5/19/2015
- Features: 2 Pack, Snap Case
- Includes Buck Privates (Abbott and Costello. 1941/84 min.), Caught in the Draft (Bob Hope. 1941/82 min.), Here Come the Waves (Bing Crosby. 1944/99 min.), The Private War of Major Benson (Charlton... more
- (1968)
- Starring: Paul Newman, Sylva Koscina
- Genre: Comedy Video, War Drama
- Studio: KL Studio Classics
- Release Date: 1/5/2021
- Features: Blu-ray
- Paul Newman, Sylva Koscina, Andrew Duggan. An army private with Houdini-like escape skills is given a temporary promotion to the rank of general. Directed by Jack Smight. 1968/color/110... more