Items 0 - 0 of 4
- (2014)
- Starring: Anton Yelchin, Glenn Close
- Genre: Comedy-Contemporary
- Studio: Ifc Independent Film
- Release Date: 8/18/2015
- Features: DVD
- A chance encounter on the streets of Manhattan draws 20-something aspiring writer Brian (Anton Yelchin) into a passionate love affair with a glamorous French woman (Skyfall Bond girl Bérénice... more
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- (2014)
- Starring: Steve Coogan, Rob Brydon
- Genre: Comedy-Contemporary
- Studio: Ifc Independent Film
- Release Date: 12/23/2014
- Features: DVD
- Steve Coogan, Rob Brydon. Hot off the success of The Trip, Steve and Rob hit the road this time to follow the tour route of the great Romantic poets through Italy. Largely improvised with more witty... more
- (2011)
- Starring: Alexandra Kamp, Fleur Lise Heuet
- Genre: Comedy-Contemporary, Foreign-French
- Studio: Ifc Independent Film
- Release Date: 11/29/2011
- Features: Subtitled
- Carlo Ferrante, Vera Van Dooren, Pierre Lognay. This Belgian mockumentary into the lives of a family of vampires is a hilarious spoof of the world's current obsession with the bloodsuckers. In French... more
- (2010)
- Starring: Steve Coogan, Rob Brydon
- Genre: Comedy-Contemporary
- Studio: Ifc Independent Film
- Release Date: 10/11/2011
- Features: DVD
- Steve Coogan, Rob Brydon, Claire Keelan. A fictionalized Coogan arranges for a high profile restaurant tour across the country. But when his girlfriend insists they take a "break" from the... more