Items 0 - 0 of 5
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- (2007)
- Starring: Alec Baldwin, Dan Aykroyd
- Genre: Comedy-Contemporary
- Studio: MVD Marquee Collect
- Release Date: 7/16/2019
- Features: DVD
- Alec Baldwin, Anthony Hopkins, Kim Cattrall, Dan Aykroyd, and Jennifer Love Hewitt star in this re-imagining of Walter Huston's The Devil and Daniel Webster - this time concerning a struggling writer... more
- (1971)
- Starring: Janet Ferguson, Lucy Offerall
- Genre: Comedy-Contemporary, Cult
- Studio: MVD Marquee Collect
- Release Date: 8/14/2018
- Features: DVD
- Frank Zappa, Ringo Starr, Theodore Bikel, Keith Moon. The Mothers of Invention wreak havoc in Centerville, a typical American town that boasts a cheesy motel, a redneck cafe and the proverbial Main... more
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- (2005)
- Starring: Robin Williams, Holly Hunter
- Genre: Comedy-Contemporary
- Studio: MVD Marquee Collect
- Release Date: 5/14/2019
- Features: DVD
- On the brink of bankruptcy, Alaska travel agent Paul Barnell (Robin Williams, Good Will Hunting) cooks up a scheme to pass off a dead body as his long-lost brother, Raymond (Woody Harrelson, Three... more
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- (2005)
- Starring: Will Ferrell, Zooey Deschanel
- Genre: Comedy-Contemporary
- Studio: MVD Marquee Collect
- Release Date: 6/25/2019
- Features: Blu-ray
- Tired of struggling to be an actress, Reese Holden (Zooey Deschanel) leaves New York and returns to her Michigan home. She has a cash advance from a book editor who wants to publish the love letters... more
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- (2006)
- Starring: Cara Buono, Anthony de Sando
- Genre: Comedy-Contemporary
- Studio: MVD Marquee Collect
- Release Date: 5/14/2019
- Features: Blu-ray
- Artie DeVanzo's (Artie Lange, Dirty Work) has no job, no girlfriend and still lives with his mother (Laurie Metcalf, Lady Bird). But he does have two things to look forward to in life: beer and... more