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- (1973)
- Starring: Ryan O'Neal, Tatum O'Neal
- Genre: Comedy Video, Drama
- Studio: Paramount
- Release Date: 9/26/2017
- Features: Widescreen, Mono Sound
- Ryan O'Neal, Tatum O'Neal, Madeline Kahn. A precocious little girl teams up with the man who "might be" her father and cleverly cons her way through the Depression-era South. Directed by Peter... more
- (2023)
- Starring: Olivia Colman, Gemma Jones
- Genre: Comedy Video, Drama
- Studio: Sony
- Release Date: 6/4/2024
- Features: Manufactured on Demand
- Based on a stranger than fiction true story, this ferociously funny mystery follows two neighbors: deeply conservative Edith Swan (Olivia Colman) and foul-mouthed Rose Gooding (Jessie Buckley). When... more
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- (2023)
- Starring: Niels Schneider
- Genre: Comedy Video, Drama
- Studio: Mpi Home Video
- Release Date: 5/21/2024
- Features: Subtitled
- Paris financier Jean Fournier (Melvil Poupaud) lived a happy existence with younger wife Fanny (Lou de Laâge)... or did, until he rightly suspected that she had reconnected romantically with writer... more
- (2017)
- Starring: Frances McDormand, Caleb Landry Jones
- Genre: Comedy Video, Drama
- Studio: Disney
- Release Date: 2/27/2018
- Features: Subtitled, Dolby, Widescreen, Digital Theater System
- Furious with the local authorities' inability to name a suspect in the brutal murder of her teenage daughter, flinty divorced mom Mildred Hayes (Oscar-winner Frances McDormand) took out the titular... more