Items 0 - 0 of 2
- (1985)
- Genre: Horror-Monsters, Comedy-Contemporary
- Studio: Shout Factory
- Release Date: 8/8/2017
- Features: Collector's Edition, Widescreen
- What does a teenager have to do to earn the respect of his peers, teachers, and coaches? In this howlingly funny comedy, high school basketball player Scott Howard (Michael J. Fox) gains unexpected... more
- (1987)
- Starring: Jason Bateman, Kim Darby
- Genre: Horror-Monsters, Comedy-Contemporary
- Studio: Shout Factory
- Release Date: 8/8/2017
- Features: Collector's Edition, Widescreen
- The hairiest hero in movies is back! Well, actually it's his cousin. Jason Bateman plays Todd Howard, relative to the original adolescent lycanthrope, who heads off to college where his lupine... more