Items 0 - 0 of 5
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- (1992)
- Starring: Geena Davis, Tom Hanks
- Genre: Comedy Video
- Studio: Sony Pictures
- Release Date: 6/4/2002
- Features: Widescreen
- Tom Hanks, Geena Davis, Madonna, Rosie O'Donnell. A true-life comedy about the women's baseball league that sprang up during WWII when most of the pro players went overseas to fight in the war.... more
- Starring: Walter Matthau, Tatum O'Neal
- Genre: Comedy Video
- Studio: Paramount
- Release Date: 4/25/2017
- Features: Gift Set, Boxed Set, Widescreen, Dolby
- BAD NEWS BEARS (1976), THE: A major surprise as one of 1976's top grossing films. THE BAD NEWS BEARS is a movie about children that is refreshing, utterly believable, and quite cleverly funny. Walter... more
- (1976)
- Starring: Walter Matthau, Tatum O'Neal
- Genre: Comedy Video, Family
- Studio: Paramount
- Release Date: 4/25/2017
- Features: Widescreen, Subtitled
- Walter Matthau, Tatum O'Neal, Jackie Earle Haley. A hopeless Little League team scores big with the unlikely combination of a beer-guzzling coach and a female star pitcher. Directed by Michael... more
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- (1992)
- Starring: Geena Davis, Tom Hanks
- Genre: Comedy Video
- Studio: Sphe Solutions
- Release Date: 4/18/2017
- Features: Anniversary Edition, Widescreen, Dubbed
- Tom Hanks, Geena Davis, Madonna, Rosie O'Donnell. A true-life comedy about the women's baseball league that sprang up during WWII when most of the pro players went overseas to fight in the war.... more
- (1993)
- Starring: Thomas Ian Nicholas, Gary Busey
- Genre: Comedy Video, Family
- Studio: Disney
- Release Date: 1/29/2002
- Features: Widescreen, Dubbed, Subtitled, Dolby
- When the cast is removed from his severely broken arm, clumsy 12-year old Henry Rowengartner (Thomas Ian Nicholas) is shocked to find his arm has become a 100 mile per-hour thunderbolt. His throw... more