Items 0 - 0 of 3
- (1969)
- Starring: John Braswell, Raymond McNally
- Genre: Comedy-Classic
- Studio: Troma
- Release Date: 1/25/2005
- Features: Black & White
- This lost gem, showcasing the early directorial style of Brian DePalma, features Robert DeNiro and Jill Clayburgh in their first screen appearances.
- Starring: Evan Brown, Count Smokula
- Genre: Comedy Video
- Studio: Troma
- Release Date: 11/16/2004
- Features: DVD
- This DVD is drawn from the hit U.K. TV show! Tiffany Shepis, Trent Haaga, Debbie Rochon, Joe Fleishaker, Lloyd Kaufman, the Toxic Avenger, Sgt. Kabukiman N.Y.P.D., Dolphin-Man, the World-Famous... more
- (1999)
- Starring: Michael Coleman, Dave Adler
- Genre: Comedy Video
- Studio: Troma
- Release Date: 2/22/2005
- Features: DVD
- All aboard for a trip packed with devilish fun and fright, a tour that you'll remember for eternity. Satan takes you fora ride on the highway to Hell in the hilarious and scary cult favorite. Lots of... more