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- (1979)
- Starring: Brigitte Lahaie, France Lomay
- Genre: Comedy Video, Cult-Erotica
- Studio: Full Moon Pictures
- Release Date: 8/13/2024
- Features: Blu-ray
- At a posh Swiss young ladies' academy, a half-dozen lissome Swedish lasses (Brigitte Lahaie, France Lomay, Nadine Pascal, Danille Troger, Elsa Maroussia, Kathleen Kane) prepped for womanhood the best... more
- (1980)
- Starring: Brigitte Lahaie
- Genre: Cult-Erotica, Cult-Women in Prison
- Studio: Full Moon Pictures
- Release Date: 12/17/2019
- Features: DVD
- Brigitte Lahaie, Karine Gambier, Nadine Pascal. Degradation, torture and nudity are all-inclusive on this hellhole island women's prison where a band of abused captives plot against the sadistic... more