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- Starring: Linda Blair, John Vernon
- Genre: Cult-Women in Prison, Cult-Erotica
- Studio: Synapse Films
- Release Date: 7/12/2011
- Features: Widescreen, Dolby
- No need to explain this trio of B-film royalty! The ladies, dare I say it, are incarcerated and somehow manage to take charge in a classic set of "chicks in chains" gems. Includes Chained Heat (Linda... more
- (1985)
- Starring: Linda Blair, Anthony Steffen
- Genre: Cult-Erotica, Cult-Women in Prison
- Studio: Wizard Entertainment
- Release Date: 12/6/2011
- Features: DVD
- Anthony Steffen, Linda Blair. A young woman who manages to escape from a prison island where she was tortured, now travels to the city to seek revenge on the wealthy businessman who makes money off... more