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- (1982)
- Starring: Sybil Danning, Phyllis Davis
- Genre: Cult-Erotica, Documentary
- Studio: Wizard Entertainment
- Release Date: 12/6/2011
- Features: DVD
- This all-star collection puts a spotlight directly on the most famous celebrity skins belonging to the most recognizable and seductive on-camera personalities. Check out these erotic segments which... more
- (1986)
- Starring: Charlotte McGinnis, Linda Carol
- Genre: Action / Adventure, Cult
- Studio: Vinegar Syndrome
- Release Date: 4/26/2022
- Features: Widescreen
- It's every "women in prison" film you've ever seen... and then some! Watch as young Jenny (Linda Carol) learns the "hard facts" of reformatory life when she finds herself up against sadistic matrons,... more