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- (1971)
- Starring: Janet Ferguson, Lucy Offerall
- Genre: Comedy-Contemporary, Cult
- Studio: MVD Marquee Collect
- Release Date: 8/14/2018
- Features: DVD
- Frank Zappa, Ringo Starr, Theodore Bikel, Keith Moon. The Mothers of Invention wreak havoc in Centerville, a typical American town that boasts a cheesy motel, a redneck cafe and the proverbial Main... more
- (1973)
- Genre: Comedy-Contemporary, Cult
- Studio: Arrow Video
- Release Date: 10/16/2018
- Features: Blu-ray
- The first film from director John Landis ("National Lampoon's Animal House") was this low-budget sci-fi spoof in which he also plays the title role of the Schlockthropus, a prehistoric man-ape frozen... more