Items 0 - 0 of 4
- (2010)
- Starring: Herschell Gordon Lewis, Robert Forster
- Genre: Documentary, Cult
- Studio: Kino Lorber
- Release Date: 7/26/2011
- Features: DVD
- The salacious and uproarious American Grindhouse explores the hidden history of the exploitation film, those popular purveyors of cheap sex and violence. It emerged from the tents of carnie sideshows... more
- (2010)
- Starring: Chuck Renslow
- Genre: Documentary, Cult-Erotica
- Studio: Queer Culture Cinema
- Release Date: 2/28/2012
- Features: DVD
- For decades, Cuba's wild landscapes lay untouched while it's neighbors destroyed their ecological riches. Now, Cuba's priceless treasure are about to face an onslaught. Tourism is already on the rise... more
- (2012)
- Starring: Dr. David Suzuki
- Genre: Documentary, Cult-Erotica
- Studio: Bullfrog Films
- Release Date: 2/21/2012
- Features: DVD
- David Suzuki hosts this informative, but often amusing, documentary examining the age-old question, "Does size really matter?" Attempting to determine if the male organ is simply a tool for sex or... more
- (2010)
- Starring: Gervase Peterson, Eric Wagner
- Genre: Documentary, Cult-Erotica
- Studio: Queer Culture Cinema
- Release Date: 4/26/2011
- Features: Widescreen
- In 2007, popular, gay Philadelphia TV host Butch Cordora (In Bed with Butch) had a vision: To publish a calendar that recreates iconic photos in pop culture. The catch? the photos would feature Butch... more