Items 0 - 0 of 4
- (2000)
- Starring: Karen Bach, Raffaela Anderson
- Genre: Mystery / Suspense, Cult-Erotica
- Studio: KL Studio Classics
- Release Date: 7/27/2021
- Features: Blu-ray
- Ultra-controversial French drama follows porn actress and assault victim Manu as she teams with Nadine, a prostitute who recently strangled her roommate, for a sex, and murder spree. The women target... more
- (1970)
- Genre: Mystery / Suspense, Cult
- Studio: Radiance
- Release Date: 9/24/2024
- Features: Blu-ray
- Having thumbed his way from Hamburg to Munich, Thomas (Marquard Bohm) had the good luck-ostensibly-of running into beautiful ex Peggy (Uschi Obermaier), who offered a place to stay with her and her... more
- (1956)
- Starring: Jean Moorhead, Barbara Weeks
- Genre: Mystery / Suspense, Cult
- Studio: Agfa
- Release Date: 1/30/2024
- Features: Blu-ray
- Privileged teenager Paula Parkins (Jean Moorehead) wasn't getting the attention of her parents she craved, so she found another outlet: steering an all-female gang that rode a crime wave of theft,... more
- (1972)
- Starring: Karin Dor, Susan George
- Genre: Mystery / Suspense, Cult
- Studio: Redemption
- Release Date: 2/12/2013
- Features: Remastered
- Susan George, Barry Evans. Iconic British shock director Peter Walker's twisted debut film about a nightclub dancer who inherits a family fortune from her recently deceased mother. But she also... more