Items 0 - 0 of 2
- (1982)
- Starring: Louis Jourdan, Adrienne Barbeau
- Genre: Horror, Cult
- Studio: MVD Rewind
- Release Date: 8/8/2023
- Features: With Blu-ray, 4K Mastering, Collector's Edition
- THE DC COMICS SUPERHERO COMES TO LIFE IN WES CRAVEN'S CULT CLASSIC FILM, MAKING IT'S DEBUT ON 4K ULTRA HD! Deep in Florida's darkest everglades, a brilliant scientist, Dr. Alec Holland (Ray Wise,... more
- (1988)
- Starring: Rick Aviles
- Genre: Documentary, Cult
- Studio: MVD Rewind
- Release Date: 12/19/2023
- Features: DVD
- Bizarre and even disturbing, this video drops you into the depths of the New York underground. You'll witness the twisted performance art of Ann Magnuson, Charlie Barnett, Phoebe Legere, Joseph... more