Items 0 - 0 of 7
- Author:
- Starring: Tommy Lee Jones
- Studio: McFarlane Toys
- Release Date: 4/14/2025
- Features: Action Figure
- DESCRIPTION::BATMAN faces off against two foes: the schizophrenic, horribly-scarred former District Attorney HARVEY DENT, aka TWO-FACE, and THE RIDDLER, a disgruntled ex-WAYNE ENTERPRISES inventor... more
- Studio: McFarlane Toys
- Release Date: 4/13/2025
- Features: Action Figure
- DESCRIPTION::In the known DC Multiverse, one name stands above all others when it comes to supreme villainy-Darkseid. |Ruling over the hellish world of Apokolips, Darkseid doesn't merely mean to... more
- Author:
- Starring: Adam West
- Studio: McFarlane Toys
- Release Date: 4/14/2025
- Features: Action Figure
- DESCRIPTION::Kapow! |The debonair millionaire Bruce Wayne may seem like your average cool cat, but you would be wrong! With the flip of a Shakespeare head bust and, to the Batcave! |Gotham City is... more
- Studio: McFarlane Toys
- Release Date: 4/12/2025
- Features: Action Figure
- DESCRIPTION::After Flashpoint, Supermans uncle Zor-El, escaped Kryptons destruction, thanks to Collector of Worlds Brainiac. Subjected to cybernetic augmentations that deranged his personality,... more
- Studio: McFarlane Toys
- Release Date: 4/9/2025
- Features: Action Figure
- DESCRIPTION::Introducing Bane, the relentless force of destruction whose confrontation with Batman will reshape the very foundations of Gotham City! |From the chaotic depths of Arkham Asylum to the... more
- Studio: McFarlane Toys
- Release Date: 4/12/2025
- Features: Action Figure
- DESCRIPTION::He has gone by Robin, Red Robin, and simply Drake, but despite his costume and moniker changes, Tim Drakes mission has never changed. |The third Robin to pick up the mantle, and the only... more
- Studio: McFarlane Toys
- Release Date: 4/12/2025
- Features: Action Figure
- DESCRIPTION::PUNCHLINE: |Alexis Kaye was a disaffected college student, whose anger with the world she saw as falling apart around her made her the perfect acolyte for The Joker's nihilistic... more