Items 0 - 0 of 6
- (2017)
- Starring: Richard T. Jones, Kim Fields
- Genre: Drama, Faith-Based
- Studio: Universal Studios
- Release Date: 1/2/2018
- Features: DVD
- Three families find themselves at a crossroads, questioning their faith and the God that guides their lives. As each family member deals with their issues, their worlds start to intertwine. This... more
- (2016)
- Starring: Jennifer Garner, Martin Henderson
- Genre: Drama, Faith-Based
- Studio: Sony Pictures
- Release Date: 7/12/2016
- Features: DVD
- Jennifer Garner, Kylie Rogers, Martin Henderson. A severely disabled 12-year-old girl falls from a tree—rather than dying or suffering further trauma—is miraculously healed. Directed by Patricia... more
- (2018)
- Starring: Madeline Carroll, Dennis Quaid
- Genre: Drama, Faith-Based
- Studio: Lions Gate
- Release Date: 6/12/2018
- Features: DVD
- J. Michael Finley, Madeline Carroll, Cloris Leachman, Dennis Quaid. Inspired by the hit song, this beautiful story follows a tale of reconciliation and forgiveness between father and son. When a... more
- (2017)
- Starring: Mike Vogel, Erika Christensen
- Genre: Drama, Faith-Based
- Studio: Universal Studios
- Release Date: 8/15/2017
- Features: DVD
- Mike Vogel, Erika Christensen, Faye Dunaway. An atheist journalist is surprised and embarrassed when his wife suddenly finds God and becomes Christian. Vowing to show her that there is no God, he... more
- (2018)
- Starring: David A.R. White, John Corbett
- Genre: Drama, Faith-Based
- Studio: Universal Studios
- Release Date: 8/21/2018
- Features: DVD
- In the third chapter of the popular faith-based movie series, Pastor Dave Hill (David A.R. White) is left without a church when his suddenly burns down amid controversy on the college campus where... more
- Starring: Patrick Muldoon
- Genre: Drama, Faith-Based
- Studio: Lions Gate
- Release Date: 9/6/2016
- Features: DVD
- Dominique Swain, Patrick Muldoon, Dina Meyer. A big city preacher has his hands full as he and his family are transferred to a small rural town in Arizona in this humorous family film. Directed by... more