Items 0 - 0 of 5
- (1987)
- Starring: Stéphane Audran, Jean-Philippe LaFont
- Genre: Drama, Foreign
- Studio: Criterion Collection
- Release Date: 9/4/2014
- Features: DVD
- Stephane Audran, Jean-Phillipe Lafont. A delicious Isak Dinesen tale about two pious Danish sisters who take a mysterious Parisian woman into their home to be a maid. Winner of the Best Foreign Film... more
- (1973)
- Starring: Erland Josephson, Liv Ullmann
- Genre: Drama, Foreign-Swedish
- Studio: Criterion Collection
- Release Date: 3/16/2004
- Features: DVD
- Liv Ullmann, Erland Josephson. Ingmar Bergman won numerous awards for this impassioned and bitterly honest portrayal of a marriage and its disintegration. Directed by Ingmar Bergman. In Swedish with... more
- (1958)
- Starring: Max von Sydow, Ingrid Thulin
- Genre: Drama, Foreign-Swedish
- Studio: Criterion Collection
- Release Date: 10/12/2010
- Features: DVD
- The Magician (Ansiktet), directed by Ingmar Bergman (The Seventh Seal, Fanny and Alexander), is an engaging, brilliantly conceived tale of deceit from one of cinema's premier illusionists. Max von... more
- (1966)
- Starring: Bibi Andersson, Liv Ullmann
- Genre: Drama, Foreign-Swedish
- Studio: Artiflix Inc.
- Release Date: 5/24/2022
- Features: Manufactured on Demand
- A young nurse, Alma, is put in charge of Elisabeth Vogler: an actress who is seemingly healthy in all respects, but will not talk. As they spend time together, Alma speaks to Elisabeth constantly,... more
- (1957)
- Starring: Gunnar Björnstrand, Bengt Ekerot
- Genre: Drama, Foreign-Swedish
- Studio: Criterion Collection
- Release Date: 6/16/2009
- Features: DVD
- Gunnar Bjornstrand, Max von Sydow. Ingmar Bergman's fascinating story of a medieval knight who enters into a chess game with Death. Directed by Ingmar Bergman. In Swedish with English subtitles.... more