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- Starring: Anthony Wong, Annie Wu
- Genre: Horror, Foreign-Chinese
- Studio: Vinegar Syndrome
- Release Date: 2/28/2023
- Features: Subtitled, Digital Theater System
- Two-disc set includes: The Demon's Baby (1998)After the fall of the Qing dynasty, a grasping warlord (Elvis Tsui) vandalized a tomb containing the bottled spirits of five demonic spirits. He returns... more
- (1993)
- Starring: Lawrence Ng, Anthony Wong
- Genre: Action / Adventure, Foreign-Chinese
- Studio: 88 Films
- Release Date: 8/29/2023
- Features: Blu-ray
- One of the most infamous movies branded with Hong Kong's 'adults only' Category III rating, Taxi Hunter bravely tackles the under-explored scourge of - er - unprofessional taxi drivers. After his... more