Items 0 - 0 of 3
- (2009)
- Starring: Aurélien Recoing, Antoine Oppenheim
- Genre: Horror-Monsters, Foreign
- Studio: Ifc Independent Film
- Release Date: 12/21/2010
- Features: Subtitled
- Paris has been laid siege by zombies, and cops and criminals must unite to save their beloved city from the walking, hungry, insatiable dead. In French with English subtitles. 2010/color/90... more
- (2013)
- Starring: Ad le Exarchopoulos, Jeremie Laheurte
- Genre: Drama, Foreign-French
- Studio: Umbrella Ent
- Release Date: 4/15/2022
- Features: Australia - Import
- The romance/ drama Blue Is the Warmest Colour is has entered our sub-label 'Sensual Sinema'. This volume includes extra features, O-ring packaging and art. Ad le's life is changed when she meets... more
- (2003)
- Starring: André Dussollier, Gérard Depardieu
- Genre: Comedy Video, Foreign-French
- Studio: Henstooth Video
- Release Date: 9/25/2012
- Features: Subtitled, Widescreen
- Quentin is an amiable idiot who drives everyone crazy with his mindless, incessant chatter. After a botched hold-up, he's thrown in a prison cell with Ruby, a hard-boiled thief who refuses to speak... more