Items 0 - 0 of 2
- (1963)
- Starring: Daliah Lavi, Christopher Lee
- Genre: Horror, Foreign-Italian
- Studio: KL Studio Classics
- Release Date: 3/12/2024
- Features: Special Edition, Subtitled
- Steeped in sadomasochism and lushly photographed in the vivid hues for which the director is known, Mario Bava's The Whip and the Body is a Gothic thriller that far surpasses the AIP Edgar Allan Poe... more
- (1965)
- Starring: Dominique Boschero, Mara Maryl
- Genre: Mystery / Suspense, Foreign-Italian
- Studio: Severin
- Release Date: 11/29/2022
- Features: Blu-ray
- THE AMERICAN Blu-ray PREMIERE The screenwriter of classics that include SO SWEET... SO PERVERSE, THE STRANGE VICE OF MRS. WARDH, ALL THE COLORS OF THE DARK and TORSO, Ernesto Gastaldi made his... more