Items 0 - 0 of 25
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- (1964)
- Starring: Raquel Revuelta, Sergio Corrieri
- Genre: Drama, Foreign-Spanish
- Studio: Criterion Collection
- Release Date: 4/23/2024
- Features: Full Frame, Subtitled
- Unseen by the West for nearly 30 years, this unusual Cuban/Soviet co-production was meant to help train Cuban filmmakers and build support for Castro's regime. Four dramatic vignettes depict, in a... more
- (1965)
- Starring: Enrique Alvarez Felix, Hortensia Santovena
- Genre: Drama, Foreign-Spanish
- Studio: Criterion Collection
- Release Date: 2/10/2009
- Features: DVD
- Claudio Brook, Silvia Pinal. Surrealistic director Luis Buñuel's unusual story of St. Simon, who spends 30 years in the desert seeking enlightenment and is finally transported by the devil to... more
- (1962)
- Starring: Silvia Pinal
- Genre: Comedy Video, Foreign-Spanish
- Studio: Criterion Collection
- Release Date: 11/8/2016
- Features: Blu-ray
- Silvia Pinal, Jacqueline Andere. When the high-society guests at a posh dinner party find themselves mysteriously unable to leave, they're slowly consumed by boredom, hunger and madness. This... more
- (1967)
- Starring: Ariadne Welter, Elizabeth Campbell
- Genre: Horror, Foreign-Spanish
- Studio: Powerhouse
- Release Date: 3/26/2024
- Features: Limited Edition, Widescreen, Mono Sound, Subtitled
- THE PANTHER WOMEN (US LIMITED EDITION BLU-RAY):Director: Ren Cardona |Cast: Ariadne Welter, Elizabeth Campbell, Yolanda Montes 'Tongolele', Eric del Castillo, Manuel 'Loco' Valds |Gothic horror and... more
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- (1968)
- Starring: Sergio Corrieri, Daisy Granados
- Genre: Drama, Foreign-Spanish
- Studio: Criterion Collection
- Release Date: 8/28/2018
- Features: Blu-ray
- This film by Tomas Gutierrez Alea is the most widely renowned work in the history of Cuban cinema. After his wife and family flee in the wake of the Bay of Pigs invasion, the bourgeois intellectual... more
- (1962)
- Starring: Abel Salazar
- Genre: Horror, Foreign-Spanish
- Studio: Powerhouse
- Release Date: 10/31/2023
- Features: Standard Edition, Subtitled, Widescreen, Mono Sound
- THE BRAINIAC (US STANDARD EDITION):One of the most notorious films to emerge from Mexico's horror film boom, The Brainiac (El barn del terror), is a terrifying tale of vengeance across the centuries.... more
- (1967)
- Genre: Horror, Foreign-Spanish
- Studio: Sinister Cinema
- Release Date: 11/12/2024
- Features: Manufactured on Demand, Mono Sound
- A masked maniac prowls the beaches of Argentina. He captures beautiful girls, takes them back to his lair, and injects them with dope. This is when things get very weird. He then plays some... more
- (1962)
- Starring: Armando Calvo, Rosita Arenas
- Genre: Horror, Foreign-Spanish
- Studio: Powerhouse
- Release Date: 10/31/2023
- Features: Full Frame, Standard Edition, Subtitled, Mono Sound
- THE WITCHS MIRROR (US STANDARD EDITION):The Witch's Mirror (El espejo de la bruja) is a beautiful, atmospheric, and uniquely Mexican take on the Gothic horror film. |When Elena (Dina de Marco) is... more
- (1966)
- Starring: Teresa Gimpera
- Genre: Horror, Foreign-Spanish
- Studio: Mondo MacAbro
- Release Date: 7/9/2024
- Features: Blu-ray
- In a near-deserted Barcelona-abandoned by those who believe that their end of a serial murder is somehow inevitable-beautiful model Gim (a debuting Teresa Gimpera) is willing to stay and tempt fate.... more
- (1963)
- Starring: Abel Salazar, Rosita Arenas
- Genre: Horror, Foreign-Spanish
- Studio: Powerhouse
- Release Date: 10/31/2023
- Features: Full Frame, Standard Edition, Subtitled, Mono Sound
- THE CURSE OF THE CRYING WOMAN (US STANDARD EDITION):The atmospheric Mexican chiller The Curse of the Crying Woman (La maldicin de la Llorona) fuses the tropes of Gothic horror cinema with Mexican... more
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- (1968)
- Starring: Marga Lopez, Maricruz Olivier
- Genre: Drama, Foreign-Spanish
- Studio: Vci Video
- Release Date: 2/25/2020
- Features: Blu-ray
- Terrifying tale about a group of college students, led by Claudia, a young girl who decides to investigate a creepy tower at her all girl boarding school... that has figured prominently in disturbing... more
- (1964)
- Starring: Milhem Cortaz
- Genre: Horror, Foreign-Spanish
- Studio: Synapse Films
- Release Date: 1/31/2017
- Features: DVD
- Unholy undertaker, sinful savant, denizen of dreams and hallucinations... Coffin Joe, with his trademark top hat, black cape and long talon-like fingernails, is a horror legend across the world.... more
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- (1963)
- Genre: Drama, Foreign-Spanish
- Studio: Criterion Collection
- Release Date: 10/25/2016
- Features: DVD
- This masterpiece of black humor, beloved in Spain but too little seen elsewhere, threads a scathing critique of Franco-era values through a macabre farce about an undertaker who marries an... more
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- (1960)
- Starring: Tito Novaro
- Genre: Drama, Foreign-Spanish
- Studio: Vci Entertainment
- Release Date: 1/24/2023
- Features: Blu-ray
- Martin Luis Guzman's novel, which was the object of strict censorship for thirty years, is the basis of our story, which takes place in post-revolutionary Mexico. No doubt the film was blacklisted... more
- (1963)
- Starring: Claudio Brook
- Genre: Horror, Foreign-Spanish
- Studio: Sinister Cinema
- Release Date: 11/12/2024
- Features: Manufactured on Demand, Mono Sound
- Kidnappings take place near an eerie wax museum. One of the kidnapping victims is a reporter. Inside the museum a mad scientist transforms the victims into both wax figures and misshapen monsters,... more
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- (1965)
- Starring: Arturo de Cordova, Ana Luisa Peluffo
- Genre: Comedy Video, Foreign-Spanish
- Studio: Vci Entertainment
- Release Date: 8/29/2023
- Features: 4K Mastering
- El Gangster is a first in comedy for director, Luis Alcoriza, and great comedic performance by actor, Arturo de Córdova. Our story centers around "Tony Wall," an x-gangster who was active during... more
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- (1966)
- Starring: Silvia Pinal, Narciso Busquets
- Genre: Drama, Foreign-Spanish
- Studio: Vci Entertainment
- Release Date: 8/15/2023
- Features: 4K Mastering
- A simple country girl named, Lazara, is caught up in the Mexican Revolution, when her new husband, Juan, is forced to join the federal army on the eve of their Honeymoon. Refusing to be separated... more
- (1969)
- Starring: Lilli Palmer, Cristina Galbo
- Genre: Horror, Foreign-Spanish
- Studio: Sinister Cinema
- Release Date: 12/21/2021
- Features: Manufactured on Demand
- Lilli Palmer, John Moulder-Brown, Cristina Galbo, Mary Maude. This creepy Euro-thriller is centered in a French boarding school for wayward young women. Palmer is the over-the-top head mistress who... more
- (1964)
- Genre: Horror, Foreign-Spanish
- Studio: Synapse Films
- Release Date: 1/31/2017
- Features: DVD
- "Coffin Joe makes his film debut in AT MIDNIGHT I'LL TAKE YOUR SOUL (À Meia-Noite Levarei Sua Alma), the first installment of the "Coffin Joe Trilogy." Coffin Joe (known as Zé do Caixão, and... more
- (1967)
- Genre: Horror, Foreign-Spanish
- Studio: Synapse Films
- Release Date: 1/31/2017
- Features: DVD
- This sequel to the ground-breaking Brazilian horror masterpiece, AT MIDNIGHT I'LL TAKE YOUR SOUL brings back the demented murderous caretaker, Coffin Joe (known as Zé do Caixão, and portrayed by... more
- (1969)
- Starring: Cantinflas, Lupita Ferrer
- Genre: Comedy-Classic, Foreign-Spanish
- Studio: Sony Pictures Home
- Release Date: 12/1/2015
- Features: Manufactured on Demand
- "Screen legend Cantinflas stars as Justo Leal, a young legal student learning under the wise Professor Arvide (Angel Garasa). Justo begins working at a prestigious agency, but he does not like... more
- (1962)
- Genre: Horror, Foreign-Spanish
- Studio: Sinister Cinema
- Release Date: 12/21/2021
- Features: Manufactured on Demand
- Lisa Gaye, Fernando Rey, Gerard Tichy. A schlocky but fun mixture of horror and science fiction. Rey plays a scientist who develops a new serum that can eradicate scar tissue. He takes a young girl... more
- (1965)
- Starring: Cantinflas
- Genre: Comedy-Classic, Foreign-Spanish
- Studio: Sony Pictures Home
- Release Date: 12/1/2015
- Features: Manufactured on Demand
- Screen legend Cantinflas is back in this charming comedy as Salvador Medina, a country doctor who moves out to the city to take care of patients and learn new technologies. While his methods are not... more
- (1962)
- Genre: Comedy-Classic, Foreign-Spanish
- Studio: Sony Pictures Home
- Release Date: 12/2/2014
- Features: Manufactured on Demand, Remastered, Mono Sound
- International comedic sensation Cantinflas (Around the World in 80 Days) is Rogaciano, a man who hangs around a film studio and appears as an extra in film productions. Always daydreaming about being... more
- (1968)
- Genre: Comedy-Classic, Foreign-Spanish
- Studio: Sony Pictures Home
- Release Date: 5/5/2015
- Features: Manufactured on Demand
- Fidencio Barrenillo (Cantinflas, Around the World in 80 Days) is on his way to Arizona in order to claim his late great-grandfather's deed for a silver mine. However, he finds himself caught up in a... more