Items 0 - 0 of 2
- (1974)
- Starring: Anthony Corlan, Maria Casar s
- Genre: Horror, Foreign
- Studio: Synapse Films
- Release Date: 5/20/2003
- Features: Subtitled
- Florinda Bolkan stars as Flavia, a woman forced to live the life of a nun by her demanding father. After witnessing injustices and questioning her own faith, she flees the convent in search of a... more
- (1978)
- Starring: Marie-Georges Pascal, Marie-George Pascal
- Genre: Horror, Foreign-French
- Studio: Synapse Films
- Release Date: 3/26/2002
- Features: Subtitled
- French, subtitled in English. A vacation with a friend turns into a horrifying nightmare when a young woman flees from a train, only to stumble into a remote village overtaken by it's zombie-like... more