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- (1999)
- Starring: Marcelo Mazzarella, Emmanuelle Béart
- Genre: Drama, Foreign-French
- Studio: Kino Lorber
- Release Date: 3/27/2001
- Features: Subtitled
- An official selection at both the Cannes and New York Film Festivals, Raoul Ruiz performs the remarkable feat of bringing the work of Marcel Proust to the screen. With brilliant execution, the film... more
- (1990)
- Starring: Michel Blanc, Sandrine Bonnaire
- Genre: Foreign
- Studio: Kino Lorber
- Release Date: 11/20/2007
- Features: Subtitled, Widescreen
- Touching, lyrical, erotic, suspenseful and enigmatic, Patrice Leconte's (Girl on the Bridge) 1989 psychological drama Monsieur Hire is both "a twisted love story and a tragic thriller" (London Sunday... more
- (1996)
- Starring: Lucy Dubinchik, Jo Ann Peterson
- Genre: Drama, Foreign-Israeli
- Studio: Kino Lorber
- Release Date: 12/18/2007
- Features: Subtitled
- One of the most popular Israeli films of the 1990s, Saint Clara presents a jumpy, highly energetic, lively, off-kilter Israel where love and the apocalypse seem interconnected. Beautiful Lucy... more