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- (1990)
- Starring: Michele Valley, Panos Thanassoulis
- Genre: Mystery / Suspense, Foreign
- Studio: Vinegar Syndrome
- Release Date: 4/30/2024
- Features: Blu-ray
- Macabre, grotesque, and aggressively bizarre, this cult hit from writer/director Nikos Nikolaidis tells the story of a detective who, while searching for his lost love, comes upon an isolated country... more
- (1996)
- Starring: Bobby Yip, Shing Fui-On
- Genre: Horror, Foreign-Chinese
- Studio: Vinegar Syndrome
- Release Date: 1/25/2022
- Features: With Blu-ray, Widescreen, 2 Pack
- A Hong Kong gangster (Anthony Wong) was sick of life on the lam in South Africa, cooking in a restaurant... and having raped and killed his abusive boss' wife, he served her ground-up remains to the... more