Items 0 - 0 of 2
- (1970)
- Starring: Mari Atsumi, Akemi Negishi
- Genre: Drama, Foreign-Japanese
- Studio: Arrow Video
- Release Date: 3/4/2025
- Features: Limited Edition, Booklet
- College girl Yumi (Mari Atsumi) was pushed by her geisha mother Tomi (Akemi Negishi), who wanted better for her daughter. Those plans ended after Yumi's stepfather forced himself on her... and Tomi... more
- (1964)
- Starring: Cláudio Alberto, Alfredo Almeida
- Genre: Horror, Foreign
- Studio: Arrow Video
- Release Date: 3/11/2025
- Features: Blu-ray
- Six-disc set includes: At Midnight I'll Take Your Soul (1964)Brazil's first entry in the horror film genre comes courtesy of writer/director/star José Mojica Marins, making his debut as deranged,... more