Items 0 - 0 of 7
- (2021)
- Genre: Drama, Foreign-French
- Studio: Ifc
- Release Date: 6/14/2022
- Features: Subtitled
- For 18 years, Sister Benedetta Carlini (Virginie Efira) lived a penitent and exemplary existence in a 17th century Tuscan convent. Given charge of the abused and recalcitrant novitiate Bartolomea... more
- (2022)
- Starring: Bulle Ogier, Grégoire Colin
- Genre: Drama, Foreign-French
- Studio: Ifc
- Release Date: 11/15/2022
- Features: Subtitled
- Both Sides of the Blade - Juliette Binoche is Sara, a woman whose life spirals out of control when she becomes involved in a passionate love triangle. From acclaimed writer-director Claire Denis.
- (2021)
- Starring: Jehnny Beth, Makita Samba
- Genre: Comedy Video, Foreign-French
- Studio: Ifc
- Release Date: 8/16/2022
- Features: Blu-ray
- Four young people fall in and out of love (and sex) with each other while figuring out their lives in Paris. From acclaimed director Jacques Audiard, based on stories by Adrian Tomine. | FEATURES::... more
- (2013)
- Genre: Drama, Foreign-French
- Studio: Ifc
- Release Date: 8/27/2024
- Features: Blu-ray
- In this powerhouse French drama from director Claire Denis, a ship captain (Vincent Lindon) abandons his job to grieve the sudden death of his brother-in-law and to target the rich businessman... more
- (2021)
- Genre: Drama, Foreign-French
- Studio: Ifc
- Release Date: 9/6/2022
- Features: Subtitled
- France, 1963: Working-class college student Anne Duchesne (Anamaria Vartolomei) found the future prospects she worked so hard for slipping away upon the discovery she was pregnant. As friends and... more
- (2021)
- Genre: Comedy Video, Foreign-Spanish
- Studio: Ifc
- Release Date: 10/25/2022
- Features: Subtitled
- Wanting prestige besides portfolio, an aging billionaire (José Luis Gómez) sought to finance an awards-bait feature film-helmed by acclaimed director Lola Cuevas (Penélope Cruz) and teaming legendary... more