Items 0 - 0 of 3
- (2009)
- Starring: Aurélien Recoing, Antoine Oppenheim
- Genre: Horror-Monsters, Foreign
- Studio: Ifc Independent Film
- Release Date: 12/21/2010
- Features: Subtitled
- Paris has been laid siege by zombies, and cops and criminals must unite to save their beloved city from the walking, hungry, insatiable dead. In French with English subtitles. 2010/color/90... more
- (2008)
- Starring: Kim Yoo-Jung, Kim Yoon-seok
- Genre: Action / Adventure, Foreign
- Studio: Ifc Independent Film
- Release Date: 10/26/2010
- Features: Subtitled
- Yun-seok Kim, Jung-woo Ha, Yeong-hie Seo. A police detective turned pimp discovers one of his girls has been kidnapped by a sadistic killer, and it is a race against time to free her before it is too... more
- (2010)
- Starring: Lee Jung-Jae, Jeon Do-yeon
- Genre: Drama, Foreign
- Studio: Ifc Independent Film
- Release Date: 6/7/2011
- Features: Subtitled
- Jeon Do-Yeon, Lee Jeong-Jae, Youn Yuh-Jung. When the hired help is seduced by the man of the house, young naïve Eun-yi stands alone against his pregnant wife, mother-in-law, and head housemaid. No... more