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- (2019)
- Starring: Kang-ho Song, Woo-sik Choi
- Genre: Comedy Video, Foreign-Korean
- Studio: Universal Studios
- Release Date: 1/28/2020
- Features: DVD
- Kang-ho Song, Sun-kyun Lee, Yeo-jeong Jo. A poor unemployed family of four slowly ingratiates themselves into the lives of a similar—but extremely wealthy—family of four by posing as four unrelated... more
- Starring: Jacques Tati
- Genre: Comedy Video, Foreign-French
- Studio: Criterion Collection
- Release Date: 8/19/2014
- Features: Blu-ray
- This set celebrates innovative director, writer and actor Jacques Tati's ambitious career, showcasing his ability to turn sight-gag comedy into high cinematic art. Includes Jour de Fete (1949),... more
- (1974)
- Starring: Magali No l, Nando Orfei
- Genre: Comedy Video, Foreign-Italian
- Studio: Criterion Collection
- Release Date: 2/8/2011
- Features: Blu-ray
- Magali Noel, Bruno Zanin. Federico Fellini's lush, semiautobiographical story of a young boy growing up in a small Italian village. 1974 Oscar® winner for Best Foreign Film. 1974/color/127... more
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- (1978)
- Genre: Comedy Video, Foreign-French
- Studio: Cohen Media Group
- Release Date: 8/27/2019
- Features: Blu-ray
- Gerard Depardieu, Patrick Dewaere. Unconventional and sophisticated comedy about two men who try everything to satisfy an insatiable woman, only to lose her to a precocious 13-year-old boy. In French... more
- (1958)
- Genre: Comedy Video, Foreign-Japanese
- Studio: Arrow Video
- Release Date: 5/11/2021
- Features: Blu-ray
- Giants and Toys is a sharp and snappy corporate satire that revolves around the ruthless machinations of a group of admen working in the confectionary industry. Its absurdist and acidly cynical take... more
- (1967)
- Starring: Jean-Pierre L aud, Juliet Berto
- Genre: Comedy Video, Foreign-French
- Studio: Kino Classics
- Release Date: 10/17/2017
- Features: Blu-ray
- Anne Wiazemsky, Jean-Pierre Leaud, Juliet Berto. Middle-class suburban students form a Maoist group to bring communist revolution to France. Taking after their Chinese contemporaries, they decide to... more
- (2011)
- Starring: Francois Damiens, Josephine de Meaux
- Genre: Comedy Video, Foreign-French
- Studio: Cohen Media Group
- Release Date: 9/25/2012
- Features: Digital Theater System, Subtitled
- After her soul mate tragically dies, Nathalie (Audrey Tautou) struggles to rekindle her passion for life until she finds love and joy in the most unexpected of places... right in front of her eyes.
- (1979)
- Starring: Bernard Blier, Jean Carmet
- Genre: Comedy Video, Foreign-French
- Studio: Kino Classics
- Release Date: 11/12/2019
- Features: DVD
- Surreal direction from Bertrand Blier highlights this anarchic and darkly comic thriller starring Gérard Depardieu as Alphonse Tram, a young man who finds himself drawn into an absurd series of... more