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- (1974)
- Starring: Anthony Corlan, Maria Casar s
- Genre: Horror, Foreign
- Studio: Synapse Films
- Release Date: 5/20/2003
- Features: Subtitled
- Florinda Bolkan stars as Flavia, a woman forced to live the life of a nun by her demanding father. After witnessing injustices and questioning her own faith, she flees the convent in search of a... more
- (1984)
- Starring: Helena Ramos, Romeu de Freitas
- Genre: Cult-Erotica, Foreign
- Studio: Impulse Pictures
- Release Date: 4/28/2009
- Features: Full Frame, Dolby
- Helena Ramos. A naive young girl gets pregnant and her family angrily tosses her out. But when her baby is born in need of critical, life-saving medical treatment, she goes to work at a local brothel... more