Items 0 - 0 of 6
- (2002)
- Starring: Alexandr Chaban, Sergei Dreiden
- Genre: Drama, Foreign-Russian
- Studio: Kino Lorber
- Release Date: 11/19/2013
- Features: Anniversary Edition
- Russian filmmaker Alexander Sokurov (THE SUN) broke boundaries with his dreamlike vision of the Hermitage in St. Petersburg, Russian Ark. It's the first feature-length narrative film shot in a single... more
- (2007)
- Starring: Maria Bonnevie
- Genre: Drama, Foreign-Russian
- Studio: Kino Lorber
- Release Date: 6/26/2018
- Features: Blu-ray
- After Alex (Konstantin Lavronenko) arranged a getaway to his rural hometown with his wife Vera (Maria Bonnevie) and the kids in a bid to salve their troubled marriage, she let him know she was... more
- (2021)
- Genre: Drama, Foreign-Russian
- Studio: Kino Lorber
- Release Date: 3/29/2022
- Features: DVD
- Levan Tediashvili, Nadezhda Mikhalkova, Kakhi Kavsadze, Giorgi Tabidze. After traveling to New York to see his son and finding him deep in debt to a local mob boss, a retired wrestler from the... more
- (2002)
- Starring: Alexandr Chaban, Sergei Dreiden
- Genre: Drama, Foreign-Russian
- Studio: Kino Lorber
- Release Date: 11/19/2013
- Features: Anniversary Edition
- Russian filmmaker Alexander Sokurov (THE SUN) broke boundaries with his dreamlike vision of the Hermitage in St. Petersburg, RUSSIAN ARK. It's the first feature-length narrative film shot in a single... more
- (2007)
- Starring: Maria Bonnevie
- Genre: Drama, Foreign-Russian
- Studio: Kino Lorber
- Release Date: 6/26/2018
- Features: DVD
- (1984)
- Starring: Dodo Abashidze, Dudukhana Tserodze
- Genre: Drama, Foreign-Russian
- Studio: Kino Lorber
- Release Date: 2/5/2008
- Features: Dolby, Subtitled
- Inspired by an ancient Russian folk tale and adapted from the novella by Daniel Chongadze, the Legend of Suram Fortress is a dazzling film by visionary director Sergei Paradjanov (Ashik Kerib,... more