Items 0 - 0 of 4
- (2012)
- Starring: Camile Hirane, Maria Gracia Omegna
- Genre: Drama, Foreign-Spanish
- Studio: Ifc Independent Film
- Release Date: 4/30/2013
- Features: DVD
- Alicia Rodríguez, María Gracia Omegna, Felipe Pinto. Seventeen and addicted to sex, Daniela finds an outlet for her raging hormones by creating an online blog of her sexual fantasies and experiments... more
- (1987)
- Starring: Günter Meisner, Gunter Meisner
- Genre: Drama, Foreign-Spanish
- Studio: Cult Epics
- Release Date: 11/8/2011
- Features: Subtitled, Widescreen
- Klaus (Gnnter Meisner of the Boys of Brazil) is an ex-Nazi doctor whose war-time post in a concentration camp enabled him to commit the most appalling sex crimes against boys. After the war, living... more
- (1985)
- Genre: Drama, Foreign-Spanish
- Studio: Cohen Media Group
- Release Date: 10/9/2018
- Features: Dolby, Widescreen, Subtitled
- In the early '80s twilight of Argentine autocracy, privileged Buenos Aries school teacher Alicia Marnet de Ibáñez (Norma Aleandro) began to question the evasive half-explanations of her functionary... more
- (2012)
- Starring: Maribel Verd, Daniel Gim nez Cacho
- Genre: Drama, Foreign-Spanish
- Studio: Cohen Media Group
- Release Date: 9/3/2013
- Features: Bonus DVD
- Once upon a time there was a little girl who had never known her mother. She learned the art of her father, a famous bullfighter, but was hated by her evil stepmother. One day she ran away with a... more